Sunday, October 23, 2011

Why I Bring My Camera

Wonder, wonder everywhere

And one day my memory

Will fail

to bring these images,

this emotion to my

life screen

And then I will have my pictures

Packed with memories

And the wonder, wonder

Everywhere I’ve been

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Middle Sister

Sisters, we three

In the middle was me

Not in age; instead

                In the middle of the bed

At our grandparents’ house

Staying quiet as a mouse

While the trains rumbled by

In the middle of the night

If it was to keep me warm

It sure wasn’t working;

Me, tiniest of the three,

As big sisters they be shirking

Their duties, unaware,

They rolled to either side

The covers they did lift

Until my naked hide

Did shiver from the cold night air,

My blanket anew,

Catching cold (ah-achoo!)

Sometimes life just wasn’t fair

For if they rolled inward

I’d be squished even thinner

Baby sister would lay awake and stare

Fatty and Skinny were lying in bed,
Fatty rolled over and Skinny was dead