Friday, May 27, 2011

Galloping Pages - rev 1

P o e t I c
I d e a s
D e l I v e r e d
T o    M e
I n    S l e e p y
H o u r s
P h a n t o m
                                                                                S n o r t s
                                                                                                I n
                                                                                                B l u e
                                                                                R h y t h m i c
                                                                B r e a t h e
“B e
R e a d y
T o
T a k e
T h e
B I t
A n d
R u n
L e a v I n g
P r I n t s
A c r o s s
P a g e s”

P o n y
                W i t h
                                I n k  
S h o e s
                R u n s
H a r d

A s
F a s t
A s
W e
C a n
G o

I n
A n
E f f o r t
T o
K e e p
U p
W I t h
T h e
G h o s t
M a r e

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I am pink softness, rose petal strength
I am pink variety of just about white to deep fuchsia purpleness
I am hilarious pink eruption of champagne giggles from those who experience me,
                Really me
I am the cold of baby animal noses, their tongues and teeth
I am joyful pink of snapdragons in spring
                The relief of winter’s submission to the new creating
I am nearly red courage with fuzzier edges that embrace
I am Valentine’s hearts with sweet messages making skin blush of me
I am whimsical shades of pinkness, many siblings in my family
Muddy rose tan
                Notebook hot pink
Delicate flower petunia
Carnation delightful simplicity
                Rose quartz clouds wrapped up in firm stone
I am pinkishly feminine ruffly clothes
                And Victoria Secret hidden fancy frills
I am wonderful woman folds of strength and capable can-do
I am the color of the source of creation
I am the pink of power
I am the intricate coral pink seashell timelessly tumbling
                In the eternal ocean, being ended as I begin again
I’m pink

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More Than Outlines

Solitude with coffee and a sketch pad
                On a public tree-shaded deck,
                Outside in heaven and bliss
The barista, always happy, chirps to each
New customer that comes seeking soothing in a cup

Introverted.  Wanting.  Needing center before
Contact and being capable of even fluffsharing

The sketches have dispensed themselves to the pad
                Through the pen
Glancing up, the eye sees outlines of heads and trunks, possible sketches
                Of bodies
It hardly seems fair to do it
These unknowns are beings with their stories, their
                Heartaches, with their public faces on
By sketching only outlines, the soul
                Of these souls, the piece truly desiring to be glimpsed
                Remains elusive;
Outside of an uninvited intrusion

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mother's Day, May 8, 2011

Sitting beside your bed
     listening to your morphine softened breath
never knowing which might be the last.
How many thousands of breaths have there been
          rise and sink
          rise and sink

The scent of baby lotion from the hospital nightstand
     spills out a memory of
     bringing life home from this same place.

And now we are returning you here

That scent will never be the same
     as it was before we began
Letting you go